The best of
Ethereum but
10x cheaper
No code changes needed. Base is EVM equivalent, so all of your code, tools, and infrastructure work out of the box. Base’s rollup architecture reduces costs by 10x for users.
Empowered by
Assets on
As of 3/31/2023
Base is built to be the onchain home for Coinbase products, users, and assets, as well as an open ecosystem where anyone can build for them. Leverage Coinbase’s developer tools to make building easy and reach Coinbase users.
Assets on
As of 3/31/2023
Empowered by
Base is built to be the onchain home for Coinbase products, users, and assets, as well as an open ecosystem where anyone can build for them. Leverage Coinbase’s developer tools to make building easy and reach Coinbase users.
Base is our commitment to onchain
We believe that the onchain platform is the most important builder platform since the internet (“online”). We believe that the onchain platform should be open source, free to use, and globally available. And we believe that in order to make it really work, we need all hands on deck, working together to scale in a secure, decentralized, easy-to-use way.
Join the community building on Base